New Year pilgrimages
And New Year’s cakes!
Scary festivals
A disappointing lack of snow (when it’s still so cold!)
Comfort food
And comfort food
And comfort food
(it’s a good thing there are all of these scary festivals going on to keep us walking around)
Fresh meals from our indoor refugees.
And comfy times indoors (with Gem’s new favourite reading material).
January was frosty times outdoors and winter comforts at home. It was soggy footprints, creepy snowmen and blue-faced six-year olds at work, with wooly scarves to seal ourselves away from the artic winds that whistle through our classrooms. We have had small adventures and happy experiences without straying far from home, staying snug, merry and cheerful (with a bit of excitement sprinkled here and there).
2014 is well and truly underway!
Gem and Kin
P.S. Our Facebook page is playing up again at the moment, but links are still getting through okay. Gem will give it a kicking during the week to try and sort it out.
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